Our story- GIT

The Glorious Story of Glossy IT

Could you share the unique journey and story of Glossy IT, highlighting key turning points and experiences that set your company apart?

Answer: Glossy IT is a B2B agency-focused business with a diverse range of services encompassing Website Development, Web and Mobile Application Development, Software Development, SEO, Audio-Video Editing, and more, offering an all-in-one package.


The Birth of a Concept: Bangladesh Tech
(www.bangladeshtech.com) (2011)


Can you describe "BangladeshTech"? What was its primary purpose?

"BangladeshTech" was initially born when Simsan Mallick began his journey as a freelance Web Developer working with Joomla, WordPress, JS, and php. As a virtual company, it operated with a remote team named "BangladeshTech." Simsan's collaboration with this remote team allowed him to establish a strong working relationship and build trust with clients. 

The quality of work and the demand for their services grew significantly over time, prompting Simsan to transform the venture into a full-fledged company aptly named "BangladeshTech." Throughout this evolution, Simsan engaged with various professionals on a project basis, leveraging the benefits of remote hiring to expand the team and effectively meet client requirements. 

This pivotal transition from a freelancer to the founder of BangladeshTech marked the start of an impressive journey in the field of information technology as Glossy IT. 

What inspired using the term "Glossy" to symbolize your services?

The inspiration behind using the term "Glossy" to symbolize our services is rooted in our commitment to illuminate businesses. Just as "glossy" signifies a shine, we aim to enhance businesses through services like Web Development, App Creation, Software Solutions, SEO, and Digital Marketing. The name aligns perfectly with our mission.

We were also motivated by the desire to secure a domain name with an IT focus, and "glossy" harmonized well with our vision. Our offerings encompass various aspects of making businesses shine, including Web Design, UI/UX Development, Application Creation, ERP Solutions, Graphic Design, and Digital Marketing.

By choosing "Glossy IT," we convey our dedication to helping companies launch online, amplify sales, and enhance their reputation. We aim to broaden the horizons of our clients' businesses, touching every facet and direction of growth. Considering these aspects, the name "Glossy IT" was carefully selected, encapsulating our commitment to transforming and advancing businesses.


A Sister Concern of BangladeshTech:
HostCozy Formed (2013)


In 2013, Simsan initiated Hostcozy, a hosting platform built from scratch by himself and his team. He eventually transferred ownership to his US partner. Subsequently, in 2015, he established another hosting service named HostClad, which remains under the company's ownership to this day. 

The Transition from BangladeshTech to Glossy IT (2014)

A. How did the transition from Bangladesh tech to Glossy IT happen?

Answer: The term "Bangladesh Tech" might convey a limited focus on Bangladesh alone, while our proper emphasis has always been global. Thus, we embarked on a quest to discover a suitable name that could encompass the entirety of our services. Through diligent searching, we stumbled upon the domain "Glossy IT," a name that perfectly encapsulates our offerings. This choice seamlessly aligns with our mission and perspective.


B. Receiving BASIS Outsourcing Award 2014

Simsan was honored with the 2014 BASIS Outsourcing Award for his significant contributions to the local tech industry. Around the same time, he rebranded Bangladesh Tech to Glossy IT. Winning the award became a turning point for Simsan, encouraging him to dream bigger. This led to his decision to establish Glossy IT's first physical office in Meherpur, Bangladesh, to expand its scope. With a strong foundation in web development and a wide array of technical skills, Simsan effectively leads his companies and leaves a positive imprint on the tech industry.

 A Progress: Expanding Services (2014)

A. When did you realize the changing landscape of Web Development business, and what were the driving factors behind this realization?

Answer: We began with Web Development, Hosting, and SEO as part of Bangladesh Tech. By 2014, we extended our services to include PPC, Social Media Marketing, and email marketing

B. How did influencers from Web Development and Business Strategy influence your shift in perspective?

Answer:  Winning the BASIS OUTSOURCING AWARD deeply inspired Simsan to establish his own company. He gained insights from successful entrepreneurs, and while pondering future plans, his freelancing background prompted him to initiate his business.

Simsan also found inspiration in the trajectories of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg. Their journey started from small beginnings to remarkable achievements that captivated him. This inspiration has consistently driven Simsan to stay focused, think big, and continuously expand his business.

Since 2017, Simsan has been closely following these influencers to boost this business and strategic plans :

Dr. Vivek Bindra - Business Coach
Dr Ujjwal Patni - Business Coach
Sandeep Maheshwari  - Motivational Speaker
Anurag Aggarwal  - Business Coach

C. What practices did you learn from some big companies to improve the approach to the Web Development Industry or business?

Answer: Simsan closely followed companies like Joomshaper and ThemeExpert. They were noteworthy for offering services centered around Joomla, aligned with our focus. Now, I realize, “Always focus on the big picture. If you don't get there, you've still made a lot of progress towards your goal. Keep trying next time and succeed.”

D. How did this shift in perspective lead to the transition from Freelance Web Developer to Create Glossy IT?

Answer: The transition from being a Freelance Web Developer to establishing Create Glossy IT was prompted by multiple factors. Firstly, a surge in client demand necessitated a broader range of services. Secondly, existing clients began seeking different and more comprehensive solutions. As a result, the decision to expand the business became imperative to meet our clients’ growing and evolving requirements effectively.

The Formation of Glossy IT (2014)

How does this metaphor translate to Glossy IT's brand identity?

Answer: The term "Glossy" implies radiance and brightness. This concept reflects our aspiration to excel through our partnerships with our clients. Likewise, we strive to empower our clients, aiding them in achieving their own brilliance in the business landscape.

Building a Brand: Shaping Glossy IT

A. How did Glossy IT's website develop over time? Could you discuss the incremental steps taken in its development?

Answer: The journey began as Bangladesh Techa and later transformed into Glossy IT. Initially, our offerings were limited to services such as Joomla Web Development, WordPress Web Development, and SEO. However, as time progressed, Glossy IT expanded its horizons to encompass a comprehensive suite of services essential for businesses to thrive online.

Here's a timeline of the incremental steps in its development:

For a complete list of our services, you can visit http://www.glossyit.com/services

B. Tell us about the preparations that went into the official launch of Glossy IT in 2014.

Answer: In 2014, we took the initial steps for the official launch of Glossy IT. We registered the domain glossyit.com and formalized Glossy IT as a business entity during the same year. Simsan initially started as a freelancer from his hometown of Meherpur and decided to expand the venture. He registered the company there and secured a suitable office space.

Our first recruits included 3 web developers, 1 SEO specialist, 1 Social Media Marketing specialist, and 2 office staff. Since then, our team has grown to a size of 20 members, with continuous expansion each month.

The decision to open the first official launch of Glossy IT in Meherpur was driven by the benefits of working collaboratively in one physical location. This enabled better team management, streamlined communication, and efficient time utilization. Being in the same space allowed us to provide clear instructions to all team members and developers without the delays often encountered when working remotely. These factors were the primary motivations behind our decision to establish the official launch of Glossy IT in Meherpur.
Domain registration of Bangladesh Tech and commencement of operations. However, the website was not launched due to our immense work pressure from our existing client. So, we didn’t have much time to work for ourselves.
We introduced new services due to client demand that includes Graphic Design, Logo Design, Videography, and Photography services, accompanied by an increased workforce
Further expansion into e-commerce CMS Development, Custom CMS Development, Software Development, Digital Marketing, Application Development, and Custom API Development. This year, we separated our Web Development and Software Development Teams for improved management and service.
Our offerings were expanded to encompass Video Editing, Photo Editing, UI/UX Design, Shopify Development, ERP Solutions, Mobile App Development, Web Security Solutions, and Content Creation. To better serve our clients on a larger scale, we established our headquarters in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Glossy IT's Official Launch and Vision (2016)

A. What led to establishing a dedicated team for Glossy IT, and how did this shape the company's growth?

Answer: The choice to form dedicated teams at Glossy IT aimed to enhance services and offer specialized client support. As our company grew, dedicated teams improved efficiency, quality, and customization. This decision significantly influenced our growth, delivering high-quality work in diverse areas like web development, SEO, design, and marketing. Dedicated teams fostered collaboration, knowledge sharing, and skill development, raising overall company competency.

B. Share the mission of Glossy IT. How does the company aim to encourage creativity and sharing within the industry?

Answer: We have been working on different SaaS products that can significantly impact on our client’s businesses. Our mission is to simplify our client’s business and help expand. Because we believe that if clients grow, we grow with them.

Also, we found out that tools and applications readily available in the market have limited features, and there is a lot of scope to improve these to improve user experience and productivity. We’re working on these as well

Glossy IT is on a mission to brighten businesses' digital presence and foster growth through diverse services like Web, Application, and Software development, SEO, Audio-Video Editing, and Digital Marketing. The company aims to create an environment that sparks industry creativity and collaboration, driving innovation and encouraging team members to think unconventionally. Glossy IT contributes to advancing the IT sector by prioritizing knowledge exchange and cross-disciplinary learning.

C. What is the vision of Glossy IT? How do you plan on becoming a guiding force for brands in Web and Application Development?

Answer: Focused expertise built stronger client relationships and a reputation for excellence. This led to higher satisfaction, repeat business, and referrals, fueling our expansion. In essence, dedicated teams at Glossy IT amplified our capabilities, shaping our successful trajectory.

D. How can you enhance the digital presence of a brand or company?

Answer: We create opportunities for our clients by enhancing their digital presence online through a wide range of services, including Website Development, Web Application, software development, and digital marketing.

E. Could you elaborate on the core values of Glossy IT: "Excellence, Integrity, Accountable, Growth"?



Glossy IT is dedicated to achieving excellence in every aspect of its work, aiming for top-tier results in web design, application development, and digital marketing. Striving for quality that ensures client satisfaction and industry-leading standards.


Glossy IT operates with transparency, honesty, and ethical conduct, building trust through open communication and ethical practices. Clients can rely on Glossy IT's integrity in all interactions.


Glossy IT takes ownership of its commitments, delivering on promises, meeting deadlines, and holding itself responsible for project outcomes. This builds reliability and strong relationships


Glossy IT values continuous learning, fostering personal and professional growth within its team and clients. The company empowers businesses to expand our online presence and achieve their goals in the digital world.

Brand Identity and Elements

Answer: The tagline "The Soul of Tech" encapsulates Glossy IT's essence and philosophy through a succinct yet powerful message. The Soul of Tech, this tagline reflects the intricate process that led to its creation.

"The Soul of Tech" was born from a deep consideration of Glossy IT's role in the ever-evolving world of technology. It conveys the idea that beyond the code, beyond the algorithms, there's a deeper essence that Glossy IT brings to the table—a human touch, creativity, and innovation. Just as a soul is the core of a being, Glossy IT believes that technology, at its best, embodies a soulful spirit that goes beyond mere functionality.

This tagline emphasizes that technology can profoundly impact businesses and individuals when thoughtfully developed and applied. It signifies that Glossy IT doesn't just create technology solutions; it infuses them with a unique character that resonates with the human experience. "The Soul of Tech" signifies that Glossy IT is more than a provider of technical services—it's a curator of digital experiences that touch hearts, inspire minds, and elevate brands.

In summary, "The Soul of Tech" communicates Glossy IT's commitment to infusing technology with creativity, humanity, and depth. It encapsulates the company's belief that technology is not just a tool but a medium through which businesses can express themselves and connect with their audiences profoundly.

The journey of Glossy IT, highlighting its unique story and key milestones

Beginning as Bangladesh Tech, the company's global vision led to the birth of Glossy IT, marked by its transformative services and dedication to fostering client growth. A key turning point was the transition in focus, driven by the aspiration to shine on a global stage. 

Recognition such as the BASIS Outsourcing Award further catalyzed Glossy IT's expansion, solidifying its reputation. The company's ethos, rooted in values of Excellence, Integrity, Accountability, and Growth, fuels its mission to illuminate businesses and shape the IT sector. A beacon for brands in Web and Application Development, Glossy IT's vision encompasses technology with a soul—innovative, human, and impactful. 

The brand's logo, font, and colors are thoughtfully designed to symbolize unity, versatility, and dynamic services. "The Soul of Tech" tagline encapsulates the brand's essence, bridging creativity and technology. Glossy IT's journey reflects a commitment to shaping digital futures, one transformative solution at a time.

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Glossy IT at a Glance:
  • Full-fledged Web Design and Development Services
  • Quality Work at Competitive Rates
  • Nurturing Long-Term Partnerships
  • 13+ Years of Success Stories

Industries We Serve

We transform the digital ecosystem across industries.


Glossy IT is a trusted global provider of innovative IT solutions with 13+ years of experience, prioritizing long-term partnerships with 1850+ diverse clients worldwide.


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Sunday: 9:00AM–6:00PM
Monday: 9:00AM–6:00PM
Tuesday: 9:00AM–6:00PM
Wednesday: 9:00AM–6:00PM
Thursday: 9:00AM–6:00PM
Friday: Closed

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